So, it’s the third birthday of my blog.
A quick review of statistics.
2008: 32 posts, >> 2009: 6 posts, >> 2010: 1 post
*dies of shame*
A lot has changed since I last frequented this space; memories, friends, music, philosophy – some created and some forgotten by The Seeker. So I decided to make this post a sort of 3-dimensional time capsule for my own entertainment and potentially, yours.
3 things that have changed over the last 3 years:
- Have kindled and stoked a keen interest in the human psyche.
- Have become an active participant in the cancer community: Mom recently completed one year as “survivor”. *woot*
- The amount I write has decreased and the amount I talk has increased.
3 things that haven’t changed over the last 3 years (not likely to change in a long time):
- Inherent optimism.
- Weird sense of humour.
- Clutter.
3 few things I’d like to have changed 3 years down the line:
- Improve patience levels with people I interact with, both in real and virtual worlds.
- Musical taste, to be more familiar with classical ragas.
- The dank and sad existence of this blog; will hopefully get more time to blog now.
That said, it’s now time to wait for the rusty old cogs to get up and running and hope for better stats next year :D
1 comment:
come back...the blogosphere awaits your return...haha
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