(Never tickle a sleeping dragon)
This one's a tribute to my Harry Potter geekdom.
Dear old JKR has been maintaining a website that's nearly as wonderful as her books, with Easter eggs posted all over it. Here it is.
Anyway, allow me to present this post for the benefit of my fellow HP fans or old-fans-now-de-fanned-cos-they're-disappointed-JKR-doesn't want-to-write-more, as the case may be.
Meticulous scouring of the site, along with help from Mugglenet's cheats section have helped me unearth a couple of priceless works by JKR. I have taken the liberty of posting them here directly, but I expect that you give El Buscador the credit if and when you try to show off this stuff to others...
PREeeesenting the collected works of J K Rowling post Book Seven- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in a never seen before (more-or-less) complete (more-or-less) priceless (honest!) compilation. Brought to you by el Buscador, on the ocassion of Minerva McGonagall's birthday (October 4th).
All of these are works that JKR auctioned off for charity.

...and there's a lot more interesting stuff with me but it would probably bore everyone but the most ardent fans off to death. Such as a comprehensive list of Wizards of the Month (Albus Dumbledore to Felix Summerbee, inventor of Cheering Charms) on JKR's website for the past four years, a list of birth-wands, more pics of the hand-written version of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, proof of why JKR just might be a FreeMason, interviews with JKR where she talks about the plural of Horcrux, house elf rights and Dumbledore's sexuality.
Meanwhile, I'm off to celebrate Professor McGonagall's birthday with a tartan tin of ginger biscuits. Bring on the bagpipes.
This one's a tribute to my Harry Potter geekdom.
Dear old JKR has been maintaining a website that's nearly as wonderful as her books, with Easter eggs posted all over it. Here it is.
Anyway, allow me to present this post for the benefit of my fellow HP fans or old-fans-now-de-fanned-cos-they're-disappointed-JKR-doesn't want-to-write-more, as the case may be.
Meticulous scouring of the site, along with help from Mugglenet's cheats section have helped me unearth a couple of priceless works by JKR. I have taken the liberty of posting them here directly, but I expect that you give El Buscador the credit if and when you try to show off this stuff to others...
PREeeesenting the collected works of J K Rowling post Book Seven- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in a never seen before (more-or-less) complete (more-or-less) priceless (honest!) compilation. Brought to you by el Buscador, on the ocassion of Minerva McGonagall's birthday (October 4th).
All of these are works that JKR auctioned off for charity.

Meanwhile, I'm off to celebrate Professor McGonagall's birthday with a tartan tin of ginger biscuits. Bring on the bagpipes.

omg!what a perfect end! lol.....is that pic morphed?
y the unnatural interest, huh mr cawhbwah??
lol....the pic itself is queer....nothing wrong with me....hahaha
did i say that now???
i m gonna delete my cowboy pics!!!!!!!hehehehehe
there you are... caught and self-proclaimed guilty.. hehehe.
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