Wednesday, June 4, 2008

There's Something about Actinomycetes

One of the more pleasant rain smells, the one we often notice in the woods, is actually caused by bacteria! Actinomycetes, a type of filamentous bacteria, grow in soil when conditions are damp and warm. When the soil dries out, the bacteria produces spores in the soil. The wetness and force of rainfall kick these tiny spores up into the air where the moisture after a rain acts as an aerosol (just like an aerosol air freshener). The moist air easily carries the spores to us so we breathe them in. These spores have a distinctive, earthy smell we often associate with rainfall. The bacteria is extremely common and can be found in areas all over the world, which accounts for the universality of this sweet "after-the-rain" smell. Since the bacteria thrives in moist soil but releases the spores once the soil dries out, the smell is most acute after a rain that follows a dry spell, although you'll notice it to some degree after most rainstorms.

There sure is something about these nifty bacteria! As my Facebook status proudly proclaims, much to my friends’ confusion: Tanvi’s writer’s blocked. Yes I’m going through that phase dreaded by every regular writer when Parkinson sometimes steps in to strangle the writer in you when you have all the time in the world to write.

In any case, I managed to escape Parkinson today. As I was telling a friend yesterday, I’m a walking-talking example of Newton’s First Law. I tend to remain in my state of existence until an external unbalanced force acts on me! Confused? Allow me to illustrate.

If I’m awake and running my mind on full steam, I just cannot go to sleep unless Mom shouts at me or I’m not well. And once I’m sleeping, well… the same goes for sitting on the PC (can’t get myself to sit sometimes but get hooked soon), going for a bath (once I’m in you won’t see me for a long time). The only exception to my inertial behavior is eating! Hehe.

Anyway, I have now concluded that this law applies to my blogging instincts too. Once I start I just can’t stop. Well, you must have seen my previous posts that defy all pop blog-etiquette. And now this period where try as I may I can’t write anything meaningful.

So I had an external unbalanced force hit me today. No, not mom this time. It was the smell of the rains.only yesterday I heard the call of the koyel, rather delayed this time around. Today my online contacts from Worli, Byculla and Andheri gave me the news that it’s raining heavily in their areas. I peeped out of my window, and lo and behold! Dryness greets me with a leer. Ouch!

But Mother Nature probably felt my glumness and wafted a refreshing whiff of wet mud through my window to meet my expectant nostrils. That triggered off the writer in me. And here I am.

Anyway, the fragrance has lost its way to my window and the writer hath lost its way to my keyboard again. I’ll be back with the rains at least (hopefully). Meanwhile, hope some other external forces get here soon and get the streams flowing again, so to speak.

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